Sunday, March 20, 2011

Side Bar

Don't know if you have seen the movie The Book of Eli with Densel Washington but if you have I have a question for you to ponder. Remember at the end when evil bad guy gets his hands on the book, realizes that it is in brail and calls his wench forward to put her hands on it. When she puts her hands on it, you see the light come into her eyes, did she actually "read" something that made her smile and if she did what do you think she "read"? I can't remeber if her fingers traveled the page but it is still one of the interesing movie puzzles that could leave you wondering.


  1. That's a movie I need to watch again. I've only seen it once, but it's like once you get it in the end you to back through it so you can put it all together.

  2. I don't remember that part of the movie. She could have read something like I, God, can not be overcome by evil. Or I, God, will prevail in the end. I'm with John, maybe I should see it again.
