Friday, May 13, 2011

Kingdom of Judah vs Kingdom of Israel

I am not sure I get where the separation of kingdoms starts. I guess I started to notice the differences in kingdoms in Judges, but never really put much thought into it because I was trying so hard to follow the people and the stories and glean what I could out of what the books where trying to say that I missed why there even was such a separation. I thought it was "one for all all for God" kinda thing.

1 comment:

  1. If I remember correctly, Israel was conquered by Assyria. For one reason or another, maybe the quality of the king, Judah was spared this annihilation. Eventually, though, Judah was conquered by the Babylonians and that was that. I think perhaps these two sections of the Hebrews was at odds at one another for some time even before the Assyrian attacks. Perhaps you will come across the correct history in your readings.
