Sunday, April 3, 2011

2 Samuel

Hold up, I guess I don't really understand the relationship Saul and David had because as soon as David hears Saul is dead he goes into mourning. Then he kills the messenger. It sounds to me like the messenger did what he thought he had to do out of compassion. He came across Saul who was mortally wounded by his own sword, not quite dead yet, and to facilitate the who process the messenger puts him out of his misery. At the very least I would say the messenger deserved to be sent to one of those towns for people who accidentally murder other people.


  1. I think my bigger problem is trying to figure out who's the good guy and who's the bad guy. Everyone seems to be doing alot of things that are bad.

  2. I think David was just very loyal. He felt that as long as Saul was still king (and appointed to that post by God) then he should still be respectful to Saul. David didn't feel that anyone had the right or authority to kill God's anointed king. So that's why he killed the dude that killed Saul. Of course that guy probably knew Saul was trying to kill David so he thought he was doing David a favor and thought he might get a reward for telling him that he killed Saul. A reasonable thought, but it obviously didn't work out well.

  3. It was probably a cultural thing, something we can't quite grasp since we did not live back then.
