Saturday, February 12, 2011


I think it is interesting in Numbers 5 that there is a test for an unfaithful wife but nothing for an unfaithful husband, unless I missed it or haven't gotten that far yet.

Also Numbers 6, what is a vow of separation?

Numbers 11:20 really shows how angry the Lord can be, telling them they will have meat until it comes out of the nostrils and they loathe it. Yikes!



    I actually just came across this refering to the vow of separation.

  2. From Jessica: I also read Numbers 6, and I thought, the women back then had to have a lot of faith in God, and trust that He would vindicate them. He really was their only hope sometimes.
    Also about Moses and God's relationship, I think God didn't need Moses' advice, but He enjoyed spending time with Moses. He always knew what He would decide and what Moses would say, but He wants us all to talk to Him and have dialogue with Him and be open and honest with Him. When God told Moses to tell the people they would have meat, Moses said, "How am I going to get meat for all these people?!" I thought, after all God had done for them since they left Egypt, and all the miracles Moses had witnessed, it is funny that his faith sunk so low, that he didn't say, "Oh great, God, I'm glad You are going to take care of this." If someone as close to God as Moses could doubt sometimes, is it any wonder that we sometimes doubt?
