Thursday, February 3, 2011

Catching up a bit in Leviticus

I have had some catching up to do....but I think I have broken thru all the tedious-ness. It is interesting to me in Leviticus 11 Clean and Unclean Food: verse 7, for some reason I never really trusted pork. I love bacon, put I just always felt like pork was a "dirty" meat. It is amazing to me how it goes on about creatures of the sea and birds that you should and should not eat. Alot of it seems socially acceptable, on the other hand I know there are alot of weird societies out there or for that matter starving people in wilderness areas that take full advantage of their food options. How literal do we take this?


  1. Leviticus 11:23? I can't think of a single winged creature that has 4 legs. Sounds creepy.

  2. We don't take it seriously, only Jews have to... Here is for non Jews Acts 10:14-15...

  3. Another comment...Leviticus 13-15. I am wondering about the introduction of medicine thru the vehicle of religion. Does this become a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or maybe, the people were so fearful of God's potential punishments that they consulted priests for proper medical advice and atonement procedures? That might be an interesting case study for someone in theological studies.

  4. J3, for some reason after reading L 13:47 I am even more speculative of M&D's refrigerator. Mildew/Mold same thing.

  5. Thanks M! Read it and read previous to get into the action. New versus Old is interesting. I am taking everything at face value now and adding comments as I go. It will be interesting to look back on. I can't wait to get to New to see the perspective change.

  6. Referring to L. 13;47, I don't think mold/mildew and leprosy are related, especially if it is in my refrigerator!
