The story of Balaam and his donkey is one of my favorites of the whole Bible. Why? Because it's quirky and weird. I love how the text makes it seem like a donkey talking to a dude is an unremarkable event. You'd think that after Num 22:28, after the Lord opens the donkey's mouth and she speaks, that the next verse might be something like: "And Balaam exclaimed, 'Holy f^@#*ng $#*t! You can talk?!'" No, he just answers the donkey's question.
The other thing that makes this story odd is that, like Melchizedek the king/priest from Salem back in Genesis 14, Balaam is a guy who comes out of nowhere and seems to have an intimate relationship with God. It doesn't seem like Balaam and God had a great relationship, but they clearly listened to each other and Balaam respected God's power. We don't get much history on him, but it indicates that God had relationships with other individuals outside of his chosen people. I think there's a message of hope in there, that God isn't overly concerned about your ancestry, race, nationality or whatever. He cares about your interest in talking to him and listening to him and having some sort of relationship. It seems to say that God doesn't limit himself to a particular group of people (Jews, Christians). He'll do whatever he wants with whomever he wants, and that's ok.
I agree. I thought the story was something out of a Shrek movie. Kind of comical. Maybe the comic relief needed after so many rules and regulations?!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this story!
ReplyDeleteI like your comments on it to! LOL
Just one more thing on this story that I thought of today...I can identify with Balaam feeling frustration at his donkey, how was he to know that the donkey had motive. Which brings me to another question of does God want us to carefully think about how we deal with beasts of burden/animals. I am sure I am over thinking it, but if you disect it more there are questions.
ReplyDeleteIt is amusing how some of these stories that only warrant one or two paragraphs in the Bible are the ones we spend time on.
Jen, are you trying to figure out if God is trying to talk to you through your dogs? Lol. I suppose if you're not getting it God will give them the ability to speak. I'd love to be there when that happens too so I can see whether or not you're surprised.