Monday, January 24, 2011

A few things from Exodus 25-30

I was wondering why God seems to be so specific in his directions for building the ark, and the table, and the tabernacle and the lamp, and the priestly garments. Is this a test to see how well they listen? and what would have happened if they screwed up? Would if they made the courtyard 90 cubits long instead of 100 because they ran out of room?

I was also wondering about Aaron wearing the bells so they sound when he enters and leaves God's holy place so that he will not die? What is that about? (Exodus 28:35) The verses that follow lead me to think this is sounding like catholic tradition.

There also seems to be alot of sacrificing of specific animals. Any idea as to the sybolism in each animal?

1 comment:

  1. I think all the specific instructions were about God's holiness and making sure his people were set apart from other people. They were to follow God's plan and not make things up on their own, setting them apart from other peoples who may be trying to worship God (or gods) on their own, self-invented terms.

    Detailed guidelines for every conceivable circumstance - yeah, sounds very Catholic...

    With the different animals - could be the different animals had different relative values since they were one of the main forms of property and wealth in that culture. So maybe those values correspond to certain types of offerings and sacrifices.
