Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another thing on Exodus

Something else that struck me was that God knew people would have grievences and appointed people to take care and make desicions on such matters. To me, this means that people were behaving badly. If people are behaving badly where does that put God's tolerances?

For me, reading the Bible and learning about God and his lessons it seems impossible that I will ever be that "good" person God wants me to be. Maybe if he is tolerant of people having jeolousy or arrogance or other behavioral issues, maybe there is hope for me. I hope I am expressing this correctly.

The other thing I wrote down last night was just to mention that Aaron was a good prophet but a bad manager of people.

Oh, and why is yeast so bad. There are some specific notations about bread being made without it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think yeast was bad. During the final plague, the Hebrews had to be ready to leave at the drop of the first-born, so there was no time to put yeast in the bread and allow it to rise. This started the tradition of the Feast of Unleavened Bread aka Passover aka Easter. I think Jesus made some reference to bread without leavening was not good or some such lesson. You will read about that when you get to the New Testament.
