In reading through the Psalms I'm having a lot of flashbacks to going to church with my family as a kid as Ashland Brethern in Christ Church. We sang a lot of the Psalms, or at least parts of them. I can picture Harriet Conrady up on the stage with the mic, the overhead projector shining the words on the wall above the organ, and the strip of stained glass window behind the pulpit that usually garnered more of my attention than the sermons.
Some songs I remember:
"LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth..." (from Psalm 8)
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God..." (from Psalm 20)
I think Psalm 8 is my favorite so far (I'm up to 50) for its poetic qualities. Psalm 22 is interesting in that some of it parallels, and is maybe prophetic of, Jesus' death. Psalm 23 is a classic of course. "The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing."
I read psalm 22 a few weeks ago while searching for something else. I was blown away at how prophetic it was.