Sunday, April 10, 2011

BGOTB Potiphar's Wife

My Bad Girls of the Bible brought me to Potiphar's wife this week. The writer of the book, Liz Curtis Higgs, makes a great deal about the fact that she had no name, she was simply referred to as Potiphar's wife. She had a great deal to do with bringing down one of the best good guys and she didn't even get her name mentioned. I don't think it is that big of a deal because I don't think she deserved to be known by any other name. Probably if she were still alive she might be more angry that she didn't even merit a name reference, which would be fair punishment given all she was trying to do. I also think that in everyday life, we use titles similar to that to be able to categorize our acquaintances. How often do you find yourself asking someone what they do? Why do we do that? Why is it we identify them by their job before anything else? Her job was to be the wife of the head of pharaohs bodyguards. Maybe there needed to be some role clarity next to that. Maybe she should have read the fine print before she took on that job if she wanted something else out of the relationship. Another question is what was the relationship like before he became so great (Potiphar)? Like so many relationships we hear of these days, did she help/watch him rise to this glamorous position and they just grew apart? If that is the case how does one keep a relationship fresh and new and continually growing with one's experiences and life goals that may or may not change as time goes by? I will leave you with that question to ponder. There may be more to come on Potiphar's wife....A challenge I will lay out also is to try not to ask a new friend what they do or where they work. The next lady of interest is Lot's wife. Looks like it is Genesis 13-19. See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. Posting this for Jess since she can't figure out how to do it herself :)

    "I think Potifer's wife was just another person God used to bring others to where they needed to be. I think you can hardly look at her without considering what God planned to do through Joseph. If she hadn't managed to bring Joseph in prison, it probably would have happened some other way. She is an example of how sin is an inseperable part of our lives, and how God still uses it for good, even though He hates it.
